
Crepe Hair - Asst Colors

Crepe Hair<br> Asst Colors<br> STMP565
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Crepe Hair is used by professionals worldwide.

The crepe hair comes in braids and after it is pulled apart it is glued to the face with spirit gum.

Our 12" tightly woven braids of real wool will straighten out to three times its packaged length.

Use for special effects to make realistic beards, mustaches, side burns, werewolf, or any look you can dream up!

Available in a variety of popular colors.

Don't forget Spirit Gum liquid adhesive to affix the hair to your skin.

How to use this product:

Straighten braid out by ironing between pieces of wet fabric.
Crepe Hair can be glued directly to the skin with Spirit Gum or Latex. >br>For realistic beard, apply in layers.
To comb out, use a wide tooth comb or pick.
Crepe Hair can be "painted" with Liquid Makeup or Hair White.

Crepe Hair<br> Asst Colors<br> STMP565Crepe Hair<br> Asst Colors<br> STMP565Crepe Hair<br> Asst Colors<br> STMP565Crepe Hair<br> Asst Colors<br> STMP565Crepe Hair<br> Asst Colors<br> STMP565
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